Thursday, August 2, 2012

Episode 12: Sound the Trumpet!



Entering the FORGE:

In the FORGE: 

Exiting the FORGE:
  • Nothing! 
  • lisamarykay1 has generously given my podcast viewers a coupon code for her etsy shop. Enter swordofaknitter at checkout to receive a 30% discount on her patterns. Also check out her avon page and support a fellow knitter! 
  • WrenCouture has generously given my podcast viewers a coupon code for her etsy shop. Enter SWORDCAST at checkout to receive a 10% discount! She also gave the podcast some AWESOME prizes for future contests! 

Prizes given this week: 
  • Congrats to MrsLawrenceKnitz, SOWaters, artistmaybe, and Angeiship on winning a pattern from my ravelry shop! 
  • Congrats to SallyfromIdaho on winning the AWESOME grand prize of the hand-dyed self-striping yarn and the HiyaHiya needles with its complementary stitch marker! 

Leave a review on iTunes if you feel so inclined and feel free to contact me with any suggestions or comments! 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Josh,
    what an entertaining episode!!!
    The first Od Forge is lovely with the bright colours. (The thumbnail shows the centre great.) I am not so sure about the current one, being it is in dark tones. Will give opinion when it is finished.
    For future reference, with any large piece of work, why not lay it out, take a photo, then insert said photo to the video? would save you struggling as you were in this one.
    Until next time, continue to bounce along
