Thursday, June 7, 2012

Episode 5: A Westknits Bound Train



Josh is working on the Mitered Crosses blanket by Kay Gardiner. He did the edging around the square he finished last week. 

Josh did not get to his other works in progress due to a sore wrist, but he got a lot of knitting done on a secret project! 

Josh started a new project, the Purl Ridge Scarf by Stephen West. He is knitting it out of Berroco Peruvia in a green color on US size 8/5mm needles. 


No items completed, however the train of westknits FO's were as follows: 


Shawliday is this coming Monday, the 11th. 

Many Thanks to Steve and Callie from the DramaticKnits podcast for the shout out! 

Thanks to Wolfe Farms for the shout out! 

Thanks to the Knitgirllls for the shout out that started it all! 

Thanks for the reviews on iTunes as well as the comments on the blog! 

Scale for yarn!


  1. Beautiful shawls Josh, do you knit socks I would love to see some knitted socks you've done, if you have any :) Great episode looking forward to the next one :)

  2. Hi Josh. This is my first time watching your podcast. It was great to "meet" you on VKN on Wed. night. My family and I loved the FO train. My husband is asking me to teach him to knit now. LOL "see" you around!


    Hishandmaid on Ravelry

  3. Marvellous shawl collection, Josh. What is the average time one takes to make?
    Shame I couldn't stay long enough at Wednesday's VKN to meet you. Maybe next time?
    take care,
    AKA knitcroc

    1. It varies depending on the shawl. most I've finished in about three weeks, while others in just over a week, while yet others in a month. Most of the time, when a shawl doesn't get done for a month or so, it's due to me knitting on something else! I LOVE any of these shawls and making them makes me happy, so I typically go all out on them!
